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What The Scholarship Meant To Me

Margaret McConnell (20k)Margaret McConnell, 1957 Scholar, a retired teacher

“The Byrnes Scholarship made it possible for me to go to college. As the youngest of ten children, and with a mother ill with cancer of the spine, in the last year of her life, I was needed at home. My mother died in October 1954. I then stayed at home with my father until his death in February 1956. My sister, Edith, with the help of a young Methodist minister, Ray Hook, attended college while I stayed at home with my parents. After our father's death, Edith helped me get started to college in 1956. However, as a beginning teacher, she did not earn a great deal of money. She applied for the scholarship in 1957.”

Because of the Byrnes Scholarship, Margaret was able to complete her college work in three years. “With only my sister's support, I would have had to work, go to school part time. I may never have completed college. Certainly I would not have been able to maintain the grades I did.”

When she finished a year early, she notified Governor Byrnes so that he could give her last-year's tuition to someone else. She also began to “pay back” and continued to give even after she had returned all that she had been given. Governor Byrnes' reaction to her contributions at a time when the scholarship money was limited is recorded in these letters.

2024 Application Process Closed

The application process for 2024 is closed. Scholarship announcements will be posted to the website in early June. The application for 2025 will be available December 2024. Please check back then.

Donate To The Foundation

In return for their generosity and support, Mom and Pop Byrnes asked only two things from us: become the very best people we could become in life, and make sure their legacy of family continues for those who come after us.

Please consider making a tax deductible contribution to the James F. Byrnes Foundation to secure its ability to invite more deserving young women and men to join the Byrnes family, both now and in the future. The Donate button will take you to the Paypal site where you can use your credit card or Paypal account to make a secure, one-time donation or set up a monthly recurring donation.

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Maude’s Angels is family helping family. It is a network of former Scholars who assist a current Scholar or Alumnus with a need for an item or service.

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The James F. Byrnes Foundation
Post Office Box 6781
Columbia, SC 29260-6781
Tel.: (803) 254-9325